


1  Firefox    4
   Firefox Generic    4
2  Chrome    3
   Chrome Generic    2
   Chrome Generic for Androi...    1
1  Win7    3
2  Win10    3
3  Android    1
 Num LandZugriffe
1  Germany    3
2  United States    2
3  Denmark    1
4  Russian Federation    1
Gesamtzahl der Länder: 4
Gesamtzahl Zugriffe: 7
 Num PageZugriffe
1  start    5
2  die_groessten_luegen    1
3  an_das_seniorenwohnheim_w...    1
Anzahl erreichbarer Seiten: 3
Gesamtzahl Zugriffe: 7


Eindeutige IP-Adresse
 Num IPZugriffe
1    2
2    1
3    1
4    1
5    1
6    1
Gesamtzahl Zugriffe: 7
Absolut eindeutige IP-Adressen: 6


Zugriffe Vormonat\\



progress bar

Access Summary

Gives a summary table over all accesses that were ever logged:


Get the summary as a line graph:


Limit the graph to a time intervall:


Month Overview

Give detailed summary table on the accesses during a month.

one month

Limit the table to a specific month:

one month — Daily Accesses

Show the accesses of each day in the current month:

month by day —- Show the daily accesses as graph:

month by day

Hourly Accesses

Show how accesses were spread over the different times of the day during the month:

month by hour

Graph of a particular month by hour:

month by hour

Top Referrers

Show where people came from this month:

top referers —- Top Entry-Pages

Show on which pages users arrived first this month:

top entries

Top URLs

Show the most popular pages in your site this month:

top urls

Top Browsers

Show the most used browsers this month:

user agents

Traffic by User

This is a bit more special. It lists the authenticated users that created the most traffic on your site during the last 7 days:

traffic by user

To show the top 10 users as a graph use this. The workday average is shown as a red line.

traffic by user

quickstats.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2022/08/19 06:03 von